Damiano Bonomo

Damiano Bonomo provides insightful advice to national and international clients with regard to domestic and foreign tax matters.
He provides legal, tax and civil advice and assists his clients during litigation and pre-litigation phase.
His significant experience in the tax field has been gained over the years working for paramount national and international law and tax firms. He is registered in the He is registered in the Bar Association from 2010, 12th February.
Some of his publications:
- The VAT liability of the confirmatory deposit is bound by its function, - giurisprudenza tributaria magazine, 11/ 2015, p.867;
- The deduction for energy saving must also be recognized in favor of real estate companies, Corriere tributario, 38/ 2015, p. 3910;
- The tax collection mortgage is illegitimate if it is not previously communicated to the taxpayer, notariato, 6/2014, p. 647;
- ‘Tarsu’ tax: for the purposes of the tariff classification of the property, the use inferred from its destination, il fisco, 28/2014, p. 2799;
- Principle "polluter pays" and regulatory authority of the municipalities, il fisco, 17/2014, p. 1650;
- “Tarsu” tax is higher for hotels? the legitimacy of the resolutions in relation to the different economic categories, gt – rivista di giurisprudenza tributaria, 11/2012, p. 839;
- “Tarsu” tax: the taxpayer must be placed in a position to verify the elements underlying the tax claim, gt - rivista di giurisprudenza tributaria, 8-09/2012, p. 720.
He graduated in Law from Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome with a thesis in civil law. He attended the Graduate School for legal professions and a Master in Tax Law, Accounting and Tax Planning.
Languages spoken: Italian, English
Office: Milan