Guido Lenzi
Founding Partner - Dottore Commercialista - Auditor

Thanks to direct contacts with foreign colleagues and partners of well-known foreign law firms, Guido Lenzi supports and assists international and national top-clients with regard to both domestic and international tax issues deriving from investment projects abroad in various countries, including non-European ones (among others: India, China, United Arab Emirates, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Colombia, Algeria). Moreover, he deals with transfer pricing issues providing consultancy (including tax ruling) and management of tax disputes with the financial administration.
He has a wide experience in the pharmaceutical and telecommunication industry and has acted as a consultant for Italian and foreign main network operators. He is Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors for some Italian companies belonging to foreign multinationals.
His significant experience in the tax field has been gained over the years working for paramount Law and Tax Firms (already in the network of two of the world's leading auditing firms), up to the partnership obtained in 2003, when he was 36 years old. The experience in the field of international taxation has been corroborated by frequent, and in some cases, long stays abroad as head of Italian taxation at the corresponding foreign branches (London and Amsterdam) of the international organizations he joined.
He has also worked with the European Commission: he was in charge of compiling the report on the Italian "exit tax" as part of the "Study on the implementation of the Tax Merger Directive".
He acted as speaker in various Italian and foreign Tax seminars. He graduated cum laude in Economics from Rome University La Sapienza.
Languages spoken: Italian, English
Membership: Member of the Commission of International Taxation and Community Tax Law of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Rome; Member of the IFA (International Fiscal Association) and member of the board of auditors of the Italian branch of the IFA.