Marika Ragni

deals with civil and commercial law, combining her academic background in civil procedural law with experience in various areas of civil law, and is therefore often involved in the resolution of complex cases, which require a "multidisciplinary" approach.
She receives assignments in commercial and civil litigation and in alternative dispute resolution procedures.
She is a subject expert in civil procedural law at the Universities of Bologna and Roma Tre, as well as a lecturer in the Master's programme "Giuristi e Consulenti d'Impresa" at the University of Roma Tre.
She is the author of numerous articles in the most important national journals in the field of civil procedural law and contributes to "Osservatorio sulla Cassazione Civile" of the Rivista di Diritto Processuale.
She holds a Ph.D. in civil procedural law from the University of Bologna and did a research period in London at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS). During her PhD she held teaching, tutoring and coordination positions at the "E. Redenti" School of Specialisation for the Legal Professions and at the Interdepartmental Research Centre "CIRSFID" of the University of Bologna.
In 2009 she graduated cum laude from the University of Bologna.
She is a member of the Rome Bar Association.
Languages Spoken: English
Office: Rome