Paolo Puri
Founding Partner – Professor – Lawyer

is a qualified lawyer in higher courts and an Associate Professor of tax law at the University of Sannio. He teaches both at the Faculty of Law and Economics and the Faculty of Business Sciences. In 2015 he obtained the National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor.
He acts as a Consultant for international and national groups with regard to both domestic and international tax issues. He provides its assistance in tax matters for all national and EU jurisdictions. Additonally, he advises important artists and sportsmen in tax disputes.
He has acquired significant experience through law firms affiliated with PWC and Ernst & Young as well as a founding partner of the Miccinesi & Partners Firm. He left the Miccinesi & Partners Firm in 2015 to set up Puri Bracco Lenzi & Partners Firm. He holds the role of Statutory Auditor of some Italian companies belonging to foreign multinationals. He was Speaker for Italy (Ministry of Finance) at the Atelier sur la simplification de la fiscalité held in Brussels on March 13, 1996 and is constantly engaged in teaching and training activities at national and international conferences and at university masters.
He acts as speaker for several seminars in Italy and abroad; he is also the author of 3 monographic publications and over 100 publications in the main legal journals, and has contributed to compile encyclopedic entries.
He graduated cum laude in law from the University of Rome La Sapienza. He won the IPOST (Post and Telegraph Institute) 2004-2005 Prize for research and study.
Languages spoken: Italian, English, French
Membership: Former Member of ministerial commissions for tax reforms; Legal advisor for the Ministry of Economy and Finance (1995 1996); Member of the Tax Studies Commission of the National Council of Notaries; Member of the IFA (International Fiscal Association).